A model poses with upcycled fashion.

Zodiac Signs: September 2023

Discover how Virgo influences finances, travel, friendships, and love this September. Get the scoop with Virgo's favorite dates and colors!

Updated 02:14 pm EDT, September 25, 2023

Published 09:03 pm EDT, August 30, 2023

Photo Credits

Producer: Mena Lombard
Fashion Designer: Francys Lorena Herrera
Production Assistant: Camila Abuchaibe

GABRIELLA SMITH, Jacqueline Aramboles

Zodiac Signs: September 2023

Discover how Virgo influences finances, travel, friendships, and love this September. Get the scoop with Virgo's favorite dates and colors!

Updated 02:14 pm EDT, September 25, 2023

Published 09:03 pm EDT, August 30, 2023

Photo Credits

Producer: Mena Lombard
Fashion Designer: Francys Lorena Herrera
Production Assistant: Camila Abuchaibe

GABRIELLA SMITH, Jacqueline Aramboles

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

23 August – 22 September

Your finances are looking up, and you are feeling more positive and idealistic. Travel may bring benefits to work or gain through new associations. Friendships are changing, and new friends can bring new opportunities for travel and social experiences. For some, there may be a new affection that grows, while for others, there could be a growing disenchantment with your current situation or a loved one. Either way, you may be chasing an ideal. Make sure that it’s really what you want. Enjoy them. You finish out the month with warm and intense family connections. Favorable Dates: Sep 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26. Favorable Colors: Red and blue.

FASHION DESIGNER: Francys Lorena Herrera. "For this design, I took as inspiration the highlight of utilitarian and practical elements that would make a garment wearable through climate change conditions. Added detachable elements, like the hoodie, reversible option for the pants; this would help wear the garment through variable weather conditions and give a second use to a garment."

Zodiac Sign: Libra

23 September – 22 October

This is a time to work towards the transformation of your working conditions. You may need to put in the extra effort to shift yourself up the ladder or into a new line of work. Changes in communication or avenues of expression will greatly assist your working situation. The advent of a new relationship could change the state of things, your life direction, and perhaps even where you’re living. Whether single or committed, some may have to leave a lot behind in order to pursue something new. Unusual ideas or understanding may come with the package. Favorable Dates: Sep 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26. Favorable Colors: White and blue.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

23 October – 21 November

This is a time to open to wider horizons and to study or learn whatever it is you need to set you on the upward road. Your path is well aspected for rewards both through money and fellowship. A new cycle may be in preparation because of changes in your associates, connections, and partners. For some of you, a new partnership may be on the horizon, and children may come into the spectrum of your life. You may also make a decision relative to a relationship, but it will be hard to keep your relationships consistent this month. Favorable Dates: Sep 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21. Favorable Colors: Blue and red.

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

22 November -21 December

This marks the beginning of a cycle of new romance or the renewal of love. There will be parties, gatherings, creativity, children, and interesting people all around you. You will have the best of partners and friends if you put yourself out there. In this way, you’ll get the best from yourself as well. There could be good fortune and enjoyment if you speculate wisely or take a calculated risk. Don’t be extravagant, but enjoy what you do. Planning, education, and communication skills are watchwords to guide you along the path this month. Favorable Dates: Sep 5, 8, 14, 17, 23, 26. Favorable Colors: White and red.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

22 December – 19 January

This can be a fortunate period for you, and you can flourish through new ideas and connections. Useful ideas and methods will be there at need, and you can have the assistance or advice of experienced professionals as you navigate the road ahead. Romance, creativity, leisure activity, and children will be preferred options or points of impact. If you’re in a relationship, do something that adds texture or interest to your life. Recreational activities, creative endeavors, or gatherings with friends can enhance your quality of life. Favorable Dates: Sep 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24. Favorable Colors: White and yellow.

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

20 January – 18 February

This month can be a journey where you have to face fears or break past patterns in your dreams to seek guidance or advice about the best course of action or the right decision.You may be on the verge of a big domestic or emotional shift, one that takes you into a new framework of living. There could be advancement. There certainly will be change, and political or religious ideas may play some role in the process of change. Health issues will also be important on the path of change. Favorable Dates: Sep 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22. Favorable Colors: Red and white.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

19 February – 20 March

There could be surprises or unexpected elevations in work that may change your financial situation with some speed. You may develop new attributes, adding them to your operating style by giving form and method to latent abilities. You will do quite well in current circumstances as increased responsibility or authority brings more coin to the family coffers. If you work for it, you’ll get it. For others, you may just need to coast and concentrate on developing new avenues of expression. Relationships and the changes they bring will have a profound impact on your life. Favorable Dates: Sep 2, 7, 11, 16, 21, 28. Favorable Colors: Purple and white.

Zodiac Sign: Aries

21 March – 19 April

This may be a good time to learn new skills or advance your education. You may find new or unusual associations develop through your work situation, or you may find that new associates lead to different avenues of work. Some of you may make a romantic connection through a working situation. You and a partner may put money and effort into a business. Single or committed, you can benefit in the financial stakes if you’ve done the preparation. You may embrace new diets, new forms of treatment, or new modalities in healthcare practice. Favorable Dates: Sep 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23. Favorable Colors: Yellow and blue.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

20 April – 20 May

Your mental processes are energized. Filled with many new ideas, you have the urge to read more, gather all kinds of information, and learn new things. You really need to communicate, as you become extremely busy planning projects, attending meetings, running errands, and taking short trips. It’s time to come to grips with negotiations or dealings with others from a more human point of view. Some may take up the cudgel and get involved in the wider community, striking blows for new practices and ideas. Others may conceive a new and fascinating purpose that marks a turning point. Favorable Dates: Sep 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24. Favorable Colors: Yellow and red.

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

21 May – 20 June

This is a time to be cutting back or putting money aside so that you can improve your situation in the long term. You will need to keep a weather eye on your budget and personal spending. Look at your financial strategies and see if you can introduce a new sense of economy. New ideas will come for some, and there will be new ways of communicating and thinking. Education may play a role for some, taking you in new and different directions. Outmoded lines of thought will have to go. Favorable Dates: Sep 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23. Favorable Colors: Blue and red.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

21 June – 22 July

There may be new horizons or new ventures. The ride won’t always be comfortable, but if you think on your feet and make adjustments, life will have a different quality down the track. Some of you may opt for a new personal direction because of such changes. Others may find that a partner wants to spread their wings. Some of you will be called to a more spiritual life and may find that people with strong spiritual interests play a part in your emotional life this month. Favorable Dates: Sep 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21. Favorable Colors: Purple and white.

Zodiac Sign: Leo

23 July – 22 August

You may immerse yourself in creative projects or spiritual activities, or you may develop a project in secret for a time. You may simply step back from life to get a new perspective. Solitude may serve a need for deeper considerations. Issues of love or money that have troubled you in the past may flare up again, requiring further attention. There could be an unexpected reversal or change in finances or love life. New and interesting projects or social activities will be on the cards for some. Investment or speculative endeavors may be the call for others. Favorable Dates: Sep 4, 9, 13, 18, 22, 27. Favorable Colors: Red and green.

Senior Editor, Zodiac

Renowned KP Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Reader Vastu Consultant. He has been rendering professional advice to clients with a high degree of success. He has been conferred with the title of Jyotish Varahamihir and Jyotish Aryabhatt. Manish has been writing monthly astrological columns for 40+ international magazines.


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